The carnival procession to Bolivia was interrupted by an explosion

11 February 2018, 16:42 | Incidents 
фото с УРА-Информ

The carnival procession of this Latin American city takes place every year. In the current course, 450 people took part, among them a large number of young people and children. The police have already found out the cause of the explosion - it was a gas bottle in one of the shopping pavilions, which sold fast food. As a result, the explosion killed six people, among them four children, another 12 were urgently hospitalized.

Law enforcers do not reject the possibility of a version of the terrorist attack either, since on the balloon they found traces of external influence, otherwise it could not detonate itself.

The incident was already reacted by the President of the country Evo Morales, who urged all citizens of the country tomorrow to remember the victims a minute of silence. He promised to help the families and loved ones of those who perished from the burial organizations of people.

As reported in "Ura-Inform", in Bolivia, because of the flood, declared a state of emergency.

Источник: УРА-Информ