The European Parliament proposes to revise the annual transition to summer time

09 February 2018, 00:30 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

The European Parliament, under the leadership of the Czech parliamentarian Pavel Freedom, prepared a document that on Thursday, February 8, supported 384 deputies. At the same time, 154 deputies. At the same time, the deputies did not support the demand of the Committee on Transport to abolish summer time.

According to Deutsche Welle, in his proposal, Liberty referred to recent studies that refute the assumption of significant energy savings as a result of the transfer of the watch twice a year. In addition, changes in the daily rhythm represent a significant risk to human and animal health, he said.. The Czech deputy also pointed to data showing an increase of 30 percent in the number of accidents in the first week after the transfer of the hands of the clock.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, the transition to summer time occurs annually on the last Sunday of March and on the winter - on the last Sunday in October. For the first time the translation of arrows for summer and winter time was introduced in England in 1908 to save and more rational distribution of electricity during the day.

Источник: УРА-Информ