In the Odessa region, a cauldron exploded in the school

01 February 2018, 09:33 | Incidents 
фото с УРА-Информ

Here, for reasons unknown so far, a thermal boiler exploded. Fortunately, none of the children were injured by the explosion.

According to the press service of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the region, already on the spot the police found that the explosion occurred at a distance of 25 meters from the school, in a one-story boiler room. According to preliminary data, the high-pressure boiler cover.

At the time of the incident, the stoker was not at the scene, so nobody was hurt. At the same time, a blast wave damaged the roof of the room.

The Investigation Department of the local police opened a criminal case under the article Violation of the fire safety requirements established by the legislation of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, on Wednesday evening, January 31, in the city of Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region, an explosion. An unknown item exploded near the garage. As a result of the incident, a man was injured.

Источник: УРА-Информ