5 simple rules for reliable protection against intestinal infections

29 January 2018, 13:28 | Health 
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You can watch how adults and children make picnics in the parks or go "to barbecue" on nature. Sometimes such a holiday ends up in lamentable - intestinal diseases. Here are 5 rules, observance of which will save you from these misfortunes.

Choose safe products (pasteurized milk, bottled water). Consider shelf life and compliance with storage rules. Fruit and vegetables rinse in running water (then scald them with boiling water).

Carefully process food. Mushrooms, greens and vegetables, wash from the ground with flowing boiled water. Meat, fish, poultry is good to cook and roast. Drink water and milk use boiled.

Do not leave food the next day. After cooling, microbes begin to multiply in it. The longer it stays, the worse. Salads do not store more than 4-5 hours.

Wash your hands often. Ironically, many people forget to wash their hands with soap after going to the toilet, coming home from the street or playing with animals. It is not right!.

Keep the kitchen clean. Spots, crumbs are a reservoir for germs. Wash dishes immediately after use. Change towels every day, wash clothes often wash.

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