Near the shores of Panama, an earthquake was recorded

28 January 2018, 12:50 | Incidents 
фото с УРА-Информ

It is reported that the first tremors occurred in 29 km from the city of Pedas on the Pacific coast, and the epicenter of the shaking was south of the Pacific coast at a depth of 60 km.

There is no information about the victims or dead. The authorities of the country announced the urgent evacuation of all residents of the western regions, who will be able to wait out the consequences of the elements in the temporarily erected camps. Shops, schools and municipalities are temporarily closed.

Yesterday in Papua New Guinea, there was also an earthquake with an amplitude of six points. The authorities of the island restricted traffic on the roads, several airports canceled the flights because of the possibility of deteriorating weather conditions.

As reported in URA-Inform, earlier in Bolivia and Chile there was an earthquake measuring 5.7 points on the Richter scale.

Источник: УРА-Информ