Moura wants in Tottenham, Pastor - no

26 January 2018, 14:13 | Football 
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Tottenham intends to strengthen and is interested in acquiring Lucas Moura and Javier Pastore from PSG.

According to Sky Sports, the Brazilian winger also wants to become part of the London club. Moure is impressed by the game "spurs", and he is a fan of coach Mauricio Pochettino, considering him to be the one who can revive his career.

Despite the interest in the 25-year-old Brazilian, for Tottenham, the priority is the signing of his compatriot Malcolm from Bordeaux.

In addition, Sky Sport Italia reports Tottenham's interest in Javier Pastore, whom Jurgen Klopp also wants to see in Liverpool. However, Pastore himself has no desire to move to the Premier League, preferring his familiar Serie A.

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