Ukrainian referees passed the FIFA test

24 January 2018, 15:49 | Football 
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Domestic referees demonstrated an excellent level of physical fitness.

On January 23, in Kiev athletics arena ShVSM, Ukrainian football referees and their assistants took the FIFA physical fitness test.

Participation in the test of the traditional sprint took more than 200 domestic judges, among whom were both men and women.

Ukrainian referees had to run six times 40 meters each with minute intervals between sprints. In order to fit into the standard, the average result of men should not be more than 6 seconds, and for women - no more than 6.4 seconds.

As a result, all the judges successfully coped with the task, while the average figure of the Premier League referees was 5.67 seconds.

"Today I like everything," commented the head of the Committee of Arbitrators of Ukraine Luciano Luchi.

"I think that since 2010, Pierluigi Collina has introduced European standards for the training of arbitrators, because we have no problems with the physical form of judges. Tests have passed everything, as the level of readiness of Ukrainian referees is very high, "- said the Rays.

In the penultimate day of the fees of Ukrainian arbitrators waiting for verification of aerobic training.

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