Turkish Defense Minister announced the beginning of bombardment of Afrina

21 January 2018, 10:02 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

Turkish military operation in Syrian Afrina controlled by Kurds started de facto from cross-border firing. At the same time, no Turkish units have yet entered the region.

A representative of the Kurdish YPG reported on the strong shelling of Kurdish villages near Afrina from the territory of Turkey. According to him, the shelling that began around midnight turned out to be the strongest from the moment when the Turkish authorities started threatening with a military threat.

About when a full-fledged military action can begin and what forces can take part in them the military has kept silent.

As reported in "URA-Inform", the Turkish parliament recently extended the state of emergency in the country for another three months.

Источник: УРА-Информ