In the Kharkiv region, a drunken army soldier took hostages

21 January 2018, 03:12 | Incidents 
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An eyewitness reported that in the city of Chuguev, Kharkiv region, a serviceman took a woman hostage and locked himself in a high-rise apartment. About this in Facebook user wrote Mikhail Grishko. Today, January 20 in Chuguev on the street. Kazheduba 19 such a picture is seen near the entrance to the cars of all services. I went out of the apartment, rising to the sixth floor I saw up to the 7th floor on the stairs, a bunch of a policeman, some in helmets and masks. to the question: "what's going on" the policeman replied "everything is fine, we just stand". Later I learned that on the 7th floor a soldier blocked a family. if the children in the apartment are not known, but the resident of the apartment (mother of 2 children) is there. requirements are not known. residents are not informed and evacuated, the gas is not blocked. Service employees try not to comment. will someone suffer? time will tell. The situation was commented on in the police of the Kharkiv region, confirming that the detainee has to do with the army: Pravtsivniki Chuguyivskyi viddilu politsii operatively vidreaguvali on podiomlennya about podіy ta zatrimali zlomisnika. That little girl did not suffer. 20 січня близько 5. 00 to the chergochny part of the phone was tampered with 18-річна дівчина. Вона повідомила, що співмешканець її матері зачинив її та 10-річного сина in apartments і Відмовляється відчиняти двері. For adresoy politseyski vstanovili, scho zlovmisnikom vyavivsya 23-rychnyi meskanets Ізюмського район. Cholovіk was known at the station of alcoholic spyannin і and stuffed welding із homeland. Politsyiski upbraided the rowdy that was delivered before the meeting.. Надавати свідчення поліцейським він відмовився. Попередньо дії чоловіка кваліфіковані за ч. 2 items. 146 (illegally pozhavlennya volі abo vikradennya mnevni) Criminal Code of Ukraine. Жінка претензій до чоловіка не має, Від написаня зая відмовилася. Behind the cholovniku zagrozhuє pozbavlennya volі on the lines of up to 5 rockiv. Zaraz zlomisnik owes its services to the law and order. Слідчі дії тривають.
