In the MO, they promise that the fighters will start eating more 51 units in the current year

17 January 2018, 01:03 | Policy 
фото с

"At the riches of the President of Ukraine - the Supreme Head of the Ukrainian Forces of Ukraine, in 2017 the new system of food security has been introduced to the new product catalog. The product has been transferred to 23 parts. In 2018, it is planned to transfer 51 parts of Vysysk to the new system of harchuvannya ". Про це сьогодні, 16 січня, after describing the intercessor of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to the European Information Agency, Lieutenant-General Anatoly Petrenko.

- For the sake of the smallest surprise in the quiet parts, the new system of food security has been transferred to the new system, the system of secrecy is aimed at building up the preparedness, the preparedness, the morale and fighting spirit of the spirit, if there is a lack of grist for our Vyskovskovsluzhivtsiv, in numbers, in poloviks, The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine from the European Economic Community.

Lieutenant-General Anatoliy Petrenko takozh Doda, scho vrahovuyuchi suchasnі Minds Keeping boyovih Act reasonably that dosvіd Venue of ATO, Mіnіsterstvom Defense of Ukraine rozrobleno she put into dіyu Zaporizhya dobovі polovі Set produktіv in an assortment of scho dozvolyaє in furrows blizko 5 tisyach kalorіy zabezpechuvati harchuvannya vіyskovosluzhbovtsya in polovih Minds. Novі раціони з готовими стравами у зручным пакуванні з безспоменевим розігрівачем, на відміну with the set of dry products, you can ask for advice харчування військовослужбовців більш, ніж for three times in order to be delivered to the fighters part та та підрозділів.
