Records that Man City can beat in this season

14 January 2018, 12:04 | Football 
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Football. ua tells what achievements Manchester City has not yet beaten in this season.

Manchester City under the leadership of Pep Guardiola this season shows just a phenomenal game. It's already the middle of January, and the "townspeople" lost only one game in the season - in Kharkov against Shakhtar.

In the English Premier League, the City is just perfect. 22 matches - 62 points. Incredibly. Only two fights Guardiola wards failed to win.

It is not surprising that such results carry new records in themselves. So, only in the last match of 2017 the City interrupted its winning series, which lasted from the second round, at the level of 18 matches. Previously, no team in England did not reach such a mark, and to the record of Bavaria Guardiola did not have just one victory.

However, in addition to this record, there are others that the City can either beat, or at least repeat. Let us consider them.

Those that can only be thrown Record in this category will be able to establish only the team that will win all their home games in the season. Man City is not possible, because the draw in the match against Everton took place on Etihad.

However, "citizens" can repeat ... their own record. In the 2011/12 season, Man City won 18 of 19 matches in its field, and at the end of the season the players raised above their heads the main trophy of the Premier League.

The incredible season of Arsenal, which in 2003/04 did not lose a single match, remains the only such one. But the City has every chance to repeat the result of the "Gunners".

Until the end of the season in England there are 16 matches and, it seems, the Guardiola team is quite able to prevent them from any defeat. But today, Liverpool will try to save the City the chance to become "invincible".

Records that can not resist the City of Manchester United and Chelsea at the moment have 47 points and share the second line of the championship. 47 is 15 less than City's.

At the moment, the record breaking of the Premier League champions from the second team is 18 points, which Manchester United bypassed the London Arsenal in 2000. Then the United scored 91 points, and Arsenal had 73.

20 wins in 22 games has Manchester City at the moment and may well finish the season with a new record for their number.

The current highest achievement for victories over the season was established not so long ago, namely last season. Chelsea Antonio Conte 30 times in 38 games left the field winners. To win 11 victories in 16 games - the team of Guardiola is quite capable.

If the record for home wins Man City fails to beat (although he already owns it), then here's the record for the number of exit victories, it may well fall.

In the 2004/2005 season, the first for Jose Mourinho in Foggy Albion, London Chelsea 15 of their 29 wins in the season, scored in away matches.

"Citizens" at home managed to stop only Crystal Palace. Chelsea and Manchester United have already lost their home games with the City, today the "blue moon" will take Liverpool.

Attack of Manchester City this season - is excellent. Sterling (14), Aguero (13), Jesus (8) - scored, De Bruijne (9), Sanaa (9), David Silva (9) - assist. Even Nicholas Otamendi with his four balls is the best scorer among the central defenders.

In total, the City in the current draw of the Premier League already 64 goals scored for 22 matches (scored 12 different people). Record score - 103 goals from Chelsea in the 2009/2010 season. If the MC remains at his level (2.91 goals per average for the match), he will be able to beat this achievement.

Probably, this achievement has the greatest chances to remain unbeaten "townspeople", since the record - 15 goals conceded by all the same Chelsea in the 2004/05 season.

Man City at the moment has already missed 13 goals and, most likely, will not be able to miss three times for the remaining 16 matches.

But the record for the goal difference may well fall. All the same Chelsea, who set a record for the number of goals scored, and keeps the record for their difference (+71).

The MC has a score of +51, but if he continues to perform in the current schedule (0.6 goals conceded per game and 2.91 goals scored), he will bring it to about +87.

All the same season 2009/2010, all the same Chelsea. "Blue" then managed to score 68 goals in 19 games at Stamford Bridge. Average performance in home games - 3,57.

At Etihad City this season played 11 matches and scored 39 goals. Average performance - 3.54. It remains to score 29 goals in 8 meetings - it is unlikely, but who would have thought that in the current Premier League you can win 18 games in a row? Therefore it is not impossible.

Who will the "townspeople" meet in home games before the end of the season? Newcastle, BBA, Leicester, Brighton, Swansea, Huddersfield and Chelsea with United.

Jose Mourinho - the name of the coach, whose team set a record for the points scored in one season of the Premier League. 2.5 points for the game recruited Chelsea in the 2004/05 season, bringing their number to 95.

Man City currently has 2.81 points per meeting.

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