Arsenal prepares the ground for parting with Wenger

10 January 2018, 18:31 | Football 
Арсен Венгер, Getty Images

Despite the numerous protests of fans, Arsene Wenger at the end of last season signed a new two-year contract with Arsenal. However, this does not guarantee that the French coach-record holder will finalize for the Emirates until the summer of 2019.

Taught by the bitter experience of Manchester United, which "sprinkled" after the retirement of Sir Alex Ferguson because too much in the club depended on the word of the Scottish head coach, Arsenal has already begun to make changes in the club structure, according to the Evening Standard. Despite the fact that Wenger still has a decisive word on club transfers, his reliable right hand Steve Rowley, who headed the selection department, was replaced by Sven Mislitant, and from Barcelona came Raul Sanlechi, who became head of the football department of the "Gunners".

These changes in the club hierarchy were one of the conditions for the extension of the contract with Wenger, and he accepted them, but it is likely that feeling how complete the power is gradually getting out of hand can lead to friction between the coach and new faces in the club's management.

It is rumored that the transfer of Carlo Ancelotti and his family to London is connected precisely with the fact that Arsenal is preparing the ground for early separation from Wenger. Although Ancelotti, who already worked with Chelsea (won the gold double in 2010, but was fired a year after the season without a trophy), it may well be there if Anthony Conte actually leaves Stamford Bridge at the end of the season. It should be noted that Pope Carlo is not used to working in clubs, where the work of all the structures is established and does not require (rather - excludes) the intervention of the head coach of the first team - Milan, Reale, PSG, Bavaria ....

It is known that the executive director of Arsenal Ivan Gazidis would like to see at the helm of the "Gunners" Massimiliano Allegri, but it can not be said that the Italian will fulfill his contract with Juventus until the summer of 2020, but it is unlikely that he will leave Turin already this year. Gazidis is also impressed by the work of Mikel Arteta in Manchester City, but the deterrent is that the Spaniard does not have the experience of independent coaching, and his success, perhaps, is only the result of the sensitive leadership on the part of Josep Guardiola.

However, this season may not be for Wenger last in the Arsenal. Much will depend on what the team will achieve based on its results. While the "Gunners" and their coach boast nothing: the sixth place in the championship, the departure from the FA Cup in the 1/32 finals. And only the exit to the semi-finals of the League Cup and in the 1/16 finals of the League of Europe give a chance for at least some trophies.

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