Green apples help to lose weight

10 January 2018, 13:07 | Health 
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Apples - a unique product with a huge amount of vitamins and mycorrhoeic elements. More than once nutritionists have told that special substances in addition to fiber, contained in apples, contribute to the normalization of metabolism and weight loss, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net However, despite all the useful qualities of apples, it turned out that not all of them are equally effective in combating excess body fat. So scientists from the Washington State University found that varieties of green apples - the most effective in combating obesity.

In green apples, especially Granny Smith, according to the results of the research scientists found the maximum content of special fiber and polyphenols, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestinal microflora. Since in people with excess weight the balance of the intestinal microflora is very unstable and extremely easily broken, which leads to a disruption in metabolism, the proliferation of pathogens and aggravates the problem. Green apples in the state to break this vicious circle, keeping useful microorganisms in a necessary condition.

Due to these properties, green apples can help prevent a lot of problems associated with imbalance of intestinal microflora, such as chronic inflammatory processes that can trigger the development of diabetes.

nedug. en.

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