What will tell in the morning in the mouth an unpleasant aftertaste

10 January 2018, 06:34 | Health 
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If you watch from the morning in your mouth an unpleasant aftertaste, then try to sort out his taste. Bitterness, acid or sweetness will tell you which physician should be treated. Of course, if this phenomenon is not a one-off, but a regular.

Bitterness as an unpleasant symptom If you feel a bitter taste, it means that you may have problems with bile ducts and liver. Perhaps, while it's just a malfunction in their work, and perhaps the situation requires immediate intervention. Dyskinesia, stones, cholecystitis - that's what should be excluded, referring to a specialist. Bile, which participates in many metabolic processes, must leave the body, fulfilling its task. If it stagnates, it poisons cells. What to do in this case? Exclude from your own menu fried and fatty dishes, spicy, pickled and salted. But one diet can not solve the problem, so make an appointment as soon as possible to the gastroenterologist, do a gastroscopy and ultrasound, follow all the doctor's instructions.

Sweetness is not a joy?.

I do not want to scare you, but sweetness in the mouth in the morning can testify about diabetes mellitus. We remind you that this terrible disease is not only innate, but also acquired as a result of bad habits and malnutrition. Especially you should be careful if in the family you had "diabetes" with experience. The first step in this case is a visit to an endocrinologist who will send you for examination and tests. And then, if the diagnosis is confirmed, will prescribe a treatment.

Salty mouth If you feel a salty taste, then perhaps your body is dehydrated. Maybe you do not believe it, but dehydration happens from a regular lack of fluid intake. And every day you need to take at least one and a half liters of clean water. Promotes the evaporation of moisture from the body consumption of alcohol, especially wine and beer. If you feel an unpleasant aftertaste of salt in the mouth from the morning, then this may indicate a disease of the salivary glands. Diagnosis and cure will help the dentist.

Pulling on sour?.

The sensation in the mouth of an acid suggests that the stomach needs help. Most likely, this is an ulcer or gastritis with high acidity. Recommendations are very simple: a diet that excludes salted and fried foods, a trip to the gastroenterologist, taking medications that he will appoint. Do not get carried away with soda, so as not to hurt even more.

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