Mourinho: Lingard turns from a young talent into a very good player

02 January 2018, 00:25 | Football 
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Manager Manchester United Jose Mourinho noted the progress of his midfielder Jesse Lingard.

Goal Jesse Lingard helped Manchester United away to beat Everton 2-0.

For a 25-year-old Englishman, this goal scored was already the sixth since the beginning of December - more over this period only on account of Harry Kane (8).

"It's one thing to be a young talent, and quite another to be a very good player," said Mourinho.

"Not everyone manages to make this leap. Some young players with huge talent eventually become normal players. Lingard, I think, can this jump ".

"His game becomes more consistent, he is better adapted to different situations, he understands the game better, chooses free space and takes a position. I think he is moving in the right direction ".

In the current season, Lingard spent 25 matches for Manchester United in all tournaments, 13 of which in the starting line-up, scored 10 goals and gave four assists.
