What vitamins can help get rid of prolonged depression

30 December 2017, 12:32 | Health 
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Vitamins of which group help us to normalize sleep, get rid of depression and look good every day.

This is certainly B vitamins. All the benefits of vitamin B can not be counted, it is enough to know that:.

B1 improves the condition during depression and helps to cope with large mental stresses.

B2 and B10 can be called "vitamins of beauty". They affect the condition of the skin and hair.

B3 lowers blood cholesterol levels.

B5 - the best assistant for the prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome.

B6 helps us cope with insomnia, and also reduces swelling in the joints.

B9 gives hope for the birth of a healthy baby. Because folic acid is necessary for our body to create new cells.

В12 - protects the body from infectious and colds.

B15 relieves muscle fatigue.

In order not to lack a group of vitamins B:.

Get rid of foci of infection. Its source, for example, can be caries.

Limit the amount of sugar and its derivatives - the obvious "devourers" of this group of vitamins.

Do not forget that smoking, coffee and alcohol also reduce the supply of vitamins.

In the diet must be present dark green vegetables. And also the liver, nuts, dairy products and whole grain bread.

Take a survey. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe you a vitamin B complex.

medbe. en.

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