Genes protect against Alzheimer's disease

30 December 2017, 07:22 | Health 
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The widespread genetic variation of KL-VS helps to live longer, as well as improves memory and learning ability, according to the Internet publication for girls and women aged 14 to 35. Pannochka. net This was reported by researchers from the Gladstone Institute and the University of California in San Francisco (UCSF).

KL gene produces Clotho protein, which derives its name from the Greek word "destiny".

This protein, which is responsible for human life expectancy, was discovered in 1997. About 20% of the human population carries a gene variation called KL-VS.

This variation is known for decreasing the risk of age-related cardiovascular diseases. But now researchers for the first time associated KL-VS with the retention of cognitive abilities in old age.

In three separate studies spanning a 3-year period, scientists tested the relationship between KL-VS and cognitive functions at different ages. More information about these results can be found on the pages of the American journal CellReports.

The study involved 300 people aged 52 to 85 years who did not suffer from dementia. Contrary to their initial expectations, the scientist confirmed that KL-VS protects its carriers from the age-related decline in cognitive functions. But they discovered that people with this genetic variation have an initial advantage in mental abilities.

This means that when in middle age the cognitive functions of the participants began to decline, in KL-VS carriers they started from a higher point than in people with other genetic variations.

"Based on our knowledge of the Cloto protein, we expected to see some changes in the very process of brain aging. But we did not find this out. Instead, we learned something completely new, "says lead researcher Dr. Lennart Mucke,.

For further research, scientists used genetically modified mice that produced a large amount of Clotho protein.

Having let these mice through several labyrinths, scientists have discovered that they are more likely than ordinary mice to try new routes and find a way out. This indicates that they have better memory and intelligence.

In other tests for memory and learning ability, modified mice with a high Clotho level also showed better results than conventional congeners.

KL-VS "increases synaptic plasticity" in the brain.

Analyzing the brain tissue of the mice, the researchers saw that the modified rodents had twice the GluN2B subunits in the synaptic connections of the hippocampus and the frontal cortex-regions of the brain that are associated with cognitive function.

In KL-VS mice, the synaptic connections between neurons responsible for training are stronger - this is known as synaptic plasticity. This is possible due to the high activity of the cellular receptors of N-methyl-D-aspartate.

The intellectual advantages of modified mice disappeared after scientists began to give animals a drug that blocked the activity of these receptors. As a result, the mouse "stupid" in the eyes.

Researchers are confident that their discovery can open the way to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Scientists have previously suspected that some people are more resistant to Alzheimer's disease due to the inherently better cognitive abilities. If this is the result of a high level of Clotho, then such therapy could save the intellect of patients.

"As the world population grows older, cognitive problems become the biggest medical challenge for all of us. If we can understand how to improve the function of the brain, it will have a huge impact on people's lives, "concludes the study co-author Dr. Dena Dubal (DenaDubal).

medbe. en.


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