US calls on Moscow to complete the exchange of prisoners "all at all"

29 December 2017, 10:03 | Policy 
фото с УРА-Информ

As noted in the department, this exchange is one of the steps towards the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

Thus, Washington calls for full implementation of the commitments in the framework of the Minsk agreements, including the exchange of prisoners under the formula "all at all".

And what is most important is to establish a ceasefire, withdraw heavy weapons and provide safe access for observers to the OSCE Special Observer Mission.

The US is ready, together with the coordination of France, Germany and Ukraine, to work with Russia to implement the Minsk Agreements. Including through the introduction throughout the territory of the ATU zone of a peacekeeping contingent with a broad mandate.

"Russia, which has started this conflict and supports it thanks to the active management of paramilitaries, who attack the Ukrainian positions daily, must commit themselves to putting an end to this," the State Department.

As previously reported, URA-Inform, the OSCE chairman, Austrian foreign minister Karin Kneisl and OSCE secretary general Thomas Greminger welcome the exchange of prisoners.

Источник: УРА-Информ