Intelligence from the United States predicted the Kremlin's actions in 2018

29 December 2017, 09:43 | Policy 
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This is stated in the forecast for 2018 of a private American intelligence-analytical company Stratfor, which is quoted by Apostrophe.

"No less important in the next year will be Moscow's relations with the West. Washington said that next year it could put pressure on Russia through a variety of means, including a heavier sanctions regime and the sale of lethal weapons to Ukraine. At the same time, the US is building up its anti-missile defense system in Europe and Asia. Having completely siphoned off life under sanctions, Moscow decisively wants to prevent additional restrictive measures on the part of Washington in 2018. Given this, Russia will determine the areas in which it will be ready either to cooperate with the US, or to negotiate concessions. Such areas can be the peace process in Syria, negotiations with North Korea or the conflict in Ukraine. In the meantime, Moscow will be preparing for the fact that its ties with Washington will worsen even more - due to the strengthening of relations in Asia and the Middle East, and also because of the build-up of military forces in the border areas, for example, the deployment of Iskander missile systems in Kaliningrad region, "the forecast says.

"In addition to the RF's concern over sanctions, the European Union will vote for the extension of restrictive measures against the country during the next year. The EU, however, will not follow the example of the US if they impose new sanctions on Moscow for political interference, despite the fact that 2018 will give Russia ample opportunities for such interference in the affairs of Europe. Italy is preparing to hold elections by May, and the Kremlin will use its proven weapons of hybrid war - disinformation, propaganda and cyberattacks - in the hope of pushing to power in Rome a more loyal government. In the end, if a populist "Five-Star Movement" comes to power, it can violate the unanimous vote required to extend EU sanctions against Russia in the future. It will not be easy to influence the election results, as Moscow understood during the last political races in France and Germany. Nevertheless, Russia will continue to sow discord among the EU member states, even if it does not achieve its goals in the Italian elections ".
