"Snidanok z 1 + 1" and the star "Voice of the edge" will show a festive musical on New Year's Eve

28 December 2017, 13:10 | gossip 
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On New Year's Eve, on December 31, at 8:00 on 1 + 1, a special issue of "Snidanka with 1 + 1" awaits you, which will be full of surprises and presents. It will hold the entire star of six leading "Snidanka".

Lyudmila Barbier, Ruslan Senichkin, Nelya Shovkoplyas, Yegor Gordeyev, Valentina Khamayko and Alexander Popov decided to prepare a festive air on their own so that the morning show team could rest on the eve of the holiday. One of these surprises will be a mini-musical, which the leading "Snidanku 1 + 1" is preparing with the finalist of the show "Voice of the Kraini-7" Vera Kekelia. On the air of "Snidanku 1 + 1" they will sing the song of Mariah Carey "All I want for Christmas is you", and the dance for this musical number will be delivered by the famous choreographer Amador Lopez.

In addition, the Spidankovites will sum up the results of 2017, recall the most interesting, funny and most pleasant events of the year. And also present their own New Year's "resolutions" for 2018 and learn from Ukrainians what they promise themselves in the new year. So, Lyudmila Barbir will conduct a New Year poll among the adult population, and Valentina Khamayko and Alexander Popov will go to the kindergarten to find out what the kids dream of finding under the tree during the holidays.

Whether the master can cope without the help of his team - see the festive pre-New Year's release "Snidanka" on December 31 at 8. 00 on the channel 1 + 1. Recall, 2017 was for "Snidanku 1 + 1" rich in pleasant events. In particular, Nelya Shovkoplyas and Yegor Gordeyev joined the team. Recently, "Snidanok" held a charity marathon and helped raise more than 700 000 hryvnia for the realization of the dream of seriously ill children. The program for the first time over the years abandoned its summer vacation and went to Turkey to prepare culinary specials. In addition, this year the Snidankivs became guests of the cult show Good morning America and dressed the legendary lead Robin Roberts in the Ukrainian embroidered shirt.

All this gave a positive result as the location of the audience and the records of the TV viewing. Next year, "Snidanok" promises to surprise even more and after a short break will return to the air on January 8.

Источник: ТСН.ua