Wattske: Fighting with Bavaria will be possible when it becomes weaker

25 December 2017, 13:52 | Football 
Ханс-Йоахим Ватцке, Getty Images

Bayern became the winter champion of the Bundesliga, taking the lead from Dortmund Borussia in 13 points.

"Nothing changes. Bavaria can only be fought when it becomes weaker. Only in this case we will get a chance. Against the financial power of Bavaria, we have no chance, it is currently impossible, "quotes Watzke Goal. com.

Earlier, the chairman of the board of Bavaria Karl-Heinz Rummenigge commented on the game of Munich under the leadership of Jupp Heynckes.

Munich Bayern became the next quarterfinal of the German Cup, beating the home of Borussia from Dortmund (2: 1):.

По материалам: goal.com