Why and why hair falls out

24 December 2017, 21:09 | Health 
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How many hair does a man have daily? According to the norm, about 100. To determine if the hair loss exceeds the permissible amount, perform a simple test: you need to take a lock of hair into your hand and pull it a little. If one or two hairs remain in the fingers, everything is fine. If significantly more - you need to urgently think about the causes of increased hair loss and methods of combating this phenomenon, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. net It's not so pleasant when you constantly have to remove hair from bed linen or dresses. This is ugly, uncomfortable and alarming: after all, hair is the most important part of the appearance of a person. In any case, do not panic; the most reasonable move is to contact a specialized specialist who will determine why hair falls out and what you are dealing with: a temporary disability or alopecia - total baldness that can lead to a complete loss of scalp.

But let's not think about the bad. In this article it will be a question of temporary, amenable correction of hair loss.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the reason why the hair falls out. They can vary, but the incurable option is only one: when the fallout is caused by a hereditary predisposition. Fortunately, this reason is noted in a very small percentage of patients.

Why hair falls out: the main causes The causes of hair loss are divided into internal and external. Among the most frequently diagnosed are the following:.

Incorrect diet - in particular, ill-conceived and not coordinated with the doctor's diets, which are inclined to many women. The body lacks nutrients, as a result, hair follicles die early before the time, and the roots suffer from insufficient intake of vitamins (B5, B6, C, PP) and minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium). No less detrimental to the state of hair smoking, excessive intake of alcohol or some medicinal courses: vitamins and minerals enter the body, but he simply can not absorb them.

Hormonal disorders - this is more typical of women in a state of pregnancy who have undergone abortion, for a long time taking contraceptives, suffering from endocrine diseases or being in the menopause. In general, one of the main reasons why hair falls out in women - any "female" problems related to health, immediately affect the density and beauty of the hairstyle.

Stressful situations - this is generally one of the most common causes of increased hair loss these days. For stress are emotionally stressful situations, a chur rapid decline in body weight, the effect of general anesthesia (during surgery) and other external factors. For reasons of stress or hormonal insufficiency, after birth, hair falls out - this is a frequent phenomenon that does not need to be frightened. Moreover, the hair can begin to fall within a month and a half after the transferred stress, and it requires high qualification and medical meticulousness to find out the cause of the anomaly.

Climatic impacts - walking in the cold with an uncovered head can also cause hair loss, despite the popular expression "force of frost are not afraid".

Genetic predisposition.

Hair loss can be a problem for both men (which is considered more traditional), and for women. Most often, female hair problems are easier to normalize; but to prevent fatal consequences, it is necessary to start treatment on time, or even better - to constantly take preventive measures against hair loss. The best answer to the question of what to do if hair falls out is a constant, thorough and proper care for your own hair.

If the hair is still falling out, what should I do?.

Pay attention to a few points of your daily life, and make the necessary changes.

How we eat.

What to do if the hair falls out - first of all, to adjust the diet. The food we take every day should be properly enriched with iron and proteins. Our hair "likes" low-fat meat (best of all beef or lean beef dishes), beans and legumes, curd products, all kinds of fruits and vegetables - as long as the soul wants and will take the stomach. It will be good to buy and drink special multivitamin complexes, freely sold in any pharmacy.

Is the comb a friend or an enemy?.

A properly selected comb is not only a way to bring beauty to your head, but also an excellent means to strengthen hair follicles. A good brush will perform the role of a scalp massager, improve blood circulation and generally positively affect the condition of the hair. Combing the hair in the evenings, in several directions, without haste and with taste - an effective procedure for preventing hair loss.

Washing and Nourishing Hair.

A major role in the prevention of hair loss is played by shampoos. What to do if hair falls out - do not pass with a skeptical expression past the shelf, where shampoos with the mark "strengthening" are placed: ginseng extract, pantetone, jojoba oil or vitamin PP included in such preparations can make your hair stronger, stimulate the health of hair follicles , provide a strengthening effect and nutrition weakened head of hair.

What other shampoos are useful?.

For all types of hair - containing extracts of chamomile, nettle or menthol.

For hair after staining - including horse chestnut extract and proteins.

To strengthen hair roots - with vitamin E.

But gels, mousses and other means for styling with weakened, prone to loss of hair should not be carried away: most often they harm, even if they are labeled "vitamin".

dr20. en.

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