Ukrainian teenager has died, hitting a train in Italy

21 December 2017, 15:31 | Incidents 
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15-year-old Yuri Verbitsky fought for life with all his might. Until the very end, the teenager's family hoped that the boy would survive, but unfortunately, the teenager's heart stopped beating after two days of agony. 15-year-old Yuri came under the train on Friday evening at the station Mundello del Lario, writes Italy in Russian. The child was immediately taken to hospital by Lecco after the incident and subjected to delicate surgical procedures, but internal injuries were too serious. Everything happened in front of his mother and younger sister living in the village of Rondgio. The children were returning by train from the school, but for unknown reasons, perhaps not to make an extra round, the guy did not descend into the underground passage with his family, but decided to run across the tracks. Because of the loud music playing in the headphones, Yuri did not hear the warning horn of the incoming train: the machinists tried to slow down in time, but the heavy train, nevertheless, touched the teenager.
