In the waters of the Philippines overturned ferry

21 December 2017, 13:36 | Incidents 
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The incident occurred in the waters of the island of Polilio in the province of Quezon. Because of the strong waves and tsunami that is coming to the Philippine Islands from the Pacific Ocean, seafarers are advised not to go out into the water in the near future. the steam sank an hour after going to sea due to strong waves. Now rescuers continue to conduct search operations. During the sinking of the ship to the bottom four people were killed, so many are missing.

Earlier a similar incident occurred in the Gulf of Finland, then a small boat with two passengers sank.

As reported in "URA-Inform", recently the island covered a series of landslides, which is caused by the approach of tropical storm "Kai-Tak" from the Pacific.

Источник: УРА-Информ