The EU Court recognized Uber as a transport company

21 December 2017, 00:53 | Economy 
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The European Court ruled that Uber is a transport company, not an "information service". The court's decision, announced on December 20, is not subject to appeal.

Uber, ruled the court, provides "transport services", which should be regulated accordingly.

Representatives of Uber argue that the decision of the European Court will not affect their work in most EU countries, where the work of the service is already regulated by the rules for transport companies.

At the same time, notes BBC News, the decision of the European Court can have a significant impact on other companies operating in the EU on the same principle as Uber.

For almost 10 years of Uber's existence in Europe, the status of the service has been repeatedly disputed with local authorities. In a number of countries, due to regulatory requirements, Uber was forced to change its business model.

Since October, Uber lost the license to transport passengers in London after the city authorities found that the company does not meet the requirements for the operator to call the car, including in the field of cooperation with law enforcement agencies and inspecting drivers for previously existing violations of the law.

Source: Meduza.
