Repair of the highway Kiev-Odessa is coming to an end, - Omelyan

16 December 2017, 12:07 | Kiev 
фото с УРА-Информ

As the minister noted, all tenders that were held during the period of 2016-2017, to be carried out with clarity. Roads are made with a five- or ten-year warranty with its defectiveness and proper operation.

The "Kiev-Odessa" highway was a credit line by an international financial organization.

Omelyan promised that next year will be the last to complete the repair of the road. Everyone who built a certain section of the road will be responsible for the work done or not performed.

As previously reported in URA-Inform, the speech is about the construction of a section of the highway from Marshal Rokossovsky Avenue to ul.. Bogatyrskaya. It is known that the city authorities intend to do it before the end of 2018. complete the construction of part of the Great Circuit Route - on the section from Prospect. Marshal Rokossovsky to ul. Bogatyrskaya.

Источник: УРА-Информ