In Kiev, a massive fire extinguish 14 fire trucks

12 December 2017, 14:27 | Kiev 
фото с УРА-Информ

On the Rusanovsky gardens a two-story house burns. At the moment, there are already 14 fire trucks.

As the press service of the State Administration of the State Emergency Service in Kiev, the information about the fire rescuers got closer to noon.

According to preliminary data, the house on Sadovaya Street is on fire, 11. In the house there is a mini production of furniture. At the same time on the first floor of the burning house is located SRT.

The total fire area is about 500 square meters. So far there is no information on the victims and possible causes of the fire.

Recall, according to URA-Inform, in one of the administrative buildings along the street Glybochitskaya Shevchenko district of the capital, there was a fire.

On the scene was summoned an outfit of 15 people of the personnel of the divisions of the main department of the State Emergency Service in Kiev, as well as three units of rescue and fire fighting equipment. As a result of the fire of the office space, no one was hurt.

Источник: УРА-Информ