Cystitis: symptoms, how to treat

12 December 2017, 12:44 | Health 
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Cystitis is an infectious inflammatory process in the wall of the bladder. The course of this disease occurs mainly in its mucosa. In most cases, the symptoms of cystitis occur in women, due to the anatomical features of the external genitalia and the entire genitourinary system. During life, virtually everyone suffers from cystitis in various forms. Thus, in ten percent of cases, cystitis in women is chronic. About twenty-five percent feel the symptoms of cystitis. Children also have manifestations of this disease, but in boys they happen three times less often than girls.

How does infection occur? The most common form of the disease is bacterial cystitis. The cause of its development is the proximity of the opening of the urethra to the anus, which is the source of microorganisms (intestinal sticks) that cause inflammation of the bladder. Also contributes to getting the infection in the bladder is a small length of the urethra (urethra).

In addition, cystitis in women can develop due to various anomalies of the vulva. For example, it can be hypermobility of the urethra: in this pathology during intercourse, the external opening of the urethra is displaced into the vagina. Because of this, the vaginal flora enters the bladder and the development of the disease begins..

Also, the symptoms of cystitis may appear if the rules of personal hygiene and hygiene of sex, the use of hormones, spermicides and the prolonged use of antibiotics. In addition, cystitis is caused by ureoplasm, mycoplasma, chlamydia. In some cases, a decrease in immunity can also cause this disease.

What are the manifestations Acute manifestations of cystitis occur after severe hypothermia or sexual intercourse. The very first symptoms of cystitis are frequent urge to urinate. They can occur in almost 10-15 minutes, while the urine is released very little, it happens that just a few drops. Urination is very painful, in the urine can appear blood. Also, cystitis in women is often accompanied by pain in the perineum and the area of ??the bladder. The temperature remains at the normal level.

Diagnostic methods For the diagnosis of cystitis it is necessary to pass a urinalysis. To establish the causative agent of the disease will help bacteriological research. In addition, examination in the gynecological chair is obligatory. This is necessary in order to identify possible anomalies in the development of external genital organs. In addition, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder is prescribed, in some cases cystoscopy with biopsy is performed.

Treatment methods If there are symptoms of cystitis, then going to the doctor is an indispensable measure, because only a specialist can tell how to treat cystitis. An integrated approach to treatment is aimed at eliminating the source of infection and identifying the pathogen. Measures are also being taken to correct hygiene and sexual factors.

Since only a doctor can determine how to treat cystitis, self-medication is strictly not recommended. The whole process of recovery should be under the supervision of a specialist under constant laboratory control.

dr20. en.

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