Gas will be extracted from under the Arctic ice

12 December 2017, 11:54 | Economy 
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A subsidiary of the Russian gas concern announced the first project to develop fields hidden at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. Gazprom dobycha Yamburg is going to drill the shelf in extreme climatic conditions. This has never been done before and never. The development of the Russian Arctic shelf is expected to begin with gas production at the Kamennomysskoye-Sea field, followed by raw materials that will be extracted at the Severo-Kamennomysskoye, then the turn will reach smaller ones. All these deposits will be merged into a single production unit linked to the Yamburg gas transmission network, Ura reports.. en.

The Kamennomysskoye-Sea gas field is located in the Ob Bay, 50 km from the shore. To develop it, a special platform will be built, designed to work in the harsh conditions of the Arctic region with a cooling to minus 50 degrees and strong storm winds.

The platform of its size will more resemble a floating island. Its length is 135 m, width - 69 m. To make the basis will go 60 thousand. tons of steel. The underwater part of the floating base will be planted on the ground with subsequent fixation of it with piles, told the journalists the deputy chief of the department for tracking the design and construction of offshore fields of Gazprom dobycha Yamburg, Alexander Bolshakov.

To deliver thousands of tons of construction cargo to the site of drilling, the company will acquire an entire fleet on an air cushion. On the shore in severe climatic conditions, all necessary infrastructure will be created to transport produced gas.

Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg emphasizes that both the platform and all the necessary equipment will be created exclusively at Russian enterprises. Such ambitious project will allow loading the orders of domestic industry, create new jobs, and besides, it will become a serious stimulus for the development of science.

Gazprom dobycha Yamburg has licenses for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons at the Yamburgskoye and Zapolyarnoye fields,. In addition, the company is preparing for the industrial development of the field "North Kamennomysskoye", "Kamennomysskoe-sea", "Obskoye", "Chugoryakhinsky", "Tazovsko-Zapolyarnoe", "Yuzhno-Parusovoye" and others. It is expected that Kamennomysskoe-Sea will give the first gas in 2025.
