In Kiev, the VAZ crashed into a tractor

12 December 2017, 09:08 | Kiev 
фото с УРА-Информ

Fortunately, nobody was injured during the accident. According to eyewitnesses, apparently the driver of the car did not manage to manage on the wet road.

As a result, his car flew to the tractor at full speed. From a strong blow the car cabin was completely crumpled.

The police evacuated the VAZ and now finds out all the circumstances of the traffic accident.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in Kiev on the night of Monday, December 11, a snow-plow car had an accident. As a result of the accident, a child was injured. According to eyewitnesses, the traffic accident during the harvesting of snow on the streets of the capital.

Источник: УРА-Информ