Cash dollar on Monday rose to 27.27 hryvnia

11 December 2017, 12:27 | Economy 
фото с УРА-Информ

Cash euro rose by two kopecks. Thus, today the dollar is sold at 27.27 hryvnia, and the euro can be bought at 32.24 hryvnia.

The rate of buying the dollar today is 26.80-27.23, sales of 27.20 - 27.40 hryvnia per dollar. The average dollar buying rate is 27,0203, sales - 27,2735 hryvnia per dollar.

The rate of buying the euro is 31,00-32,10, sales - 32,05-32,50 hryvnia for the euro. The average purchase price of the euro is 31.4655, sales - 32.2346 hryvnia for the euro.

The rate of buying the Russian ruble is 2,000-4,550, sales - 4,500-5,000 hryvnia for 10 rubles. The average purchase price of the ruble is 3.899, sales - 4.638 for 10 rubles.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in the exchange offices of Ukraine on Friday, December 8, 2017, the cash dollar has collected two kopecks. The euro has lost five cents. Thus, the dollar was sold at 27.26 hryvnia, and the euro could be bought at 32.21 hryvnia.

Источник: УРА-Информ