Poland should not conflict with Ukraine, - Tusk

10 December 2017, 01:12 | Policy 
фото с УРА-Информ

This is reported by dziennik. pl.

According to Tusk, Poland should worry about its security, but Ukraine is the mediator in this issue, which means that Warsaw should look for points of contact to start a new dialogue with Kiev. There is no European Poland without independent courts, completely free media, without respect for the law, without liberal democracy, the head of the European Council. Tusk cautiously hinted to Warsaw that it is worth stopping imagining "the leader of the countries of Eastern Europe", but rather starting to take custody of countries that need help.

In turn, the new prime minister of Poland very frankly spoke out against the admission of refugees by Europe and about the distortion of the historical truth by Kiev.

As reported in the "URA-Inform", yesterday the President of the Republic of Poland appointed Prime Minister Mateusz Moravetsky.

Источник: УРА-Информ