Boushtan: We had no problems with Partizan

08 December 2017, 12:49 | Football 
Фото Олег Батрак

In the 6th round of the group stage of the Europa League, Dynamo in his field confidently defeated Partizan with a score of 4: 1.

According to the goalkeeper Georgy Busan of Kyiv, the team scored such a big victory on the class.

"We had no difficulties in playing against Partizan. The main thing was to finish the match in the same way as the first half ", - the official site of Dynamo.

"Partisan played well, the players of the Serbian club controlled the ball, but we played more on the class. We had so many moments - we all realized them ".

"Young Dynamo players are moving and developing alongside older players. It is important to play well in the match against Alexandria, to bring the first part of the season to the logical conclusion, "- concluded the goalkeeper.

Earlier the victory over Partizan was commented on by forward Dynamo Junior Moraes.

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