How to maintain intestinal health

08 December 2017, 12:38 | Health 
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The intestine is the most important organ providing the processes of digestion and secretion, without which the vital activity of the organism is impossible. Anatomically, the intestine is divided into two regions: the small and large intestine. In the small intestine, digestive processes occur, in the anatomy this area of ??the digestive tract is divided into the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The large intestine ensures the absorption of water, the formation of stool and its subsequent excretion from the body. Intestinal health affects vital life processes. It depends on the quality of food assimilation, the condition of the skin, hair, the intestine plays a direct role in the metabolic processes, which can be disturbed due to various problems with it, according to the Internet edition for girls and women aged 14 to 35. Pannochka. net The main specialist who treats the intestines is the proctologist. This area of ??medicine is well developed: in Russia the leading institution is the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology, the Proctology in Germany, Israel and the USA is well developed, where advanced apparatus techniques for intestinal research.

To preserve the health of the intestine, it must be taken care of throughout life. The main principle in this process should be the following harmony inherent in the body of nature. Harmony for the intestinal tract is a balanced varied diet and the right time to eat.

The right diet.

About what kind of diet is necessary for your body, you can find out from a nutritionist-specialist. General recommendations consist of the daily use of fresh (un frozen) vegetables and fruits, alternating fish (both red and white, as well as river), meat, which, however, should not be consumed daily, limited to 3-4 meals a week, and birds. Vegetables or fruits should be consumed in abundant quantities by season. Beware of the so-called "chemistry," which includes various sweet fizzy drinks, semi-finished products of incomprehensible origin and products containing trans fats and other derivatives of the chemical industry.

Time of reception of food.

As for the time of eating, this question is not properly investigated by many people. There is an opinion that taking a large amount of food is at lunch time, around noon, since it is during lunch hours that the stomach is especially active. The rest of the meals should be divided between morning and early evening, refusing night snacks. Since the intestine is most active in the morning, about 6 am, the complete digestive cycle, started with the correct hearty meal, will end in the early morning and will not create a harmful load on the intestines and digestive system as a whole.

Is it worth it to cleanse the intestines.

Cleansing of the intestines, which are carried on by many people, must be done in the right way under the guidance of a specialist. Doctors advise to abandon hydrocolonotherapy and other procedures, often conducted by people without a minimum medical education. If you have a strong desire to conduct an experiment to cleanse your own intestines and at the same time, there are no acute or chronic diseases of the digestive system, and especially the kidneys, the most safe procedure will be the so-called prakshalana. This is a technique described in yoga, the essence of which is the use of a large amount of warm water, cleansing the intestines from stagnant feces. This procedure is also desirable to be conducted under the guidance of a specialist, however, in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases, improper performance of praxalan will bring not physical damage to the body but moral suffering to the creature, its inhabitant.

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