In Kharkov, the hospital was discharged from the last injured in a deadly accident

07 December 2017, 08:32 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

This is reported by Status Quo.

As the doctors noted, the girl was sent to her home, in Kremenchug. Also, deputy chief physician of the medical institution Irina Lodyanaya added that Anna is now in a stable condition. In particular, after the variation she had a knee injury, a closed head injury and a soft tissue wound of the head.

"The superficial wound of the soft tissues of the head has long healed. We wanted everything to heal and she left almost healthy. We agreed that in three months she will come to appear, but at the moment there is no need for any special treatment, "the doctor said..

By the way, another injured - 30-year-old Zhanna Vlasenko - doctors are waiting for birth roughly at the end of January.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform", in Kharkov on the prospectus of Science car drove into four parked cars, as a result of the accident were injured three people.

Источник: УРА-Информ