By the day of the Supreme Armed Forces in Kharkiv, some tankers were encouraged

06 December 2017, 21:30 | Policy 
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At the beginning of the meeting of personnel of the Military Institute of Tank Forces of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", the present participants paid a minute of silence to servicemen who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their people.

"We are the military - we will never forget our fellows who put their lives on the altar of independence and territorial integrity in the Donbass. Today, those officers and cadets who have the status of a participant in the ATU are service guidelines for other soldiers,. Head of the Military Institute Colonel Anatoly Kocherga. - Our educational institution is constantly growing and developing, and cadets are simply eager for new knowledge and skills. I believe that soon we will defeat the invaders and return the world to our glorious land ".

Within the framework of the event, departmental awards encouraged the best servicemen and civil workers of the Institute on the occasion of a professional holiday.

The holiday was accompanied by performances on the stage of famous artists of Kharkov and pupils of art circles of the 9th Garrison House of Officers.
