Rake of patriots

06 December 2017, 01:47 | Policy 
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At first the state was afraid of leaflets - and as a result, bleached itself in the struggle against them and revolutionary newspapers. Then the state fought with radio stations: they were afraid of them, they jammed, they frightened the people. As a result, people became interested in "enemy voices": after all, they jammed, it means that they say something important. The Union decided to shut itself off from criticism by stubs, but it was not for nothing that the radio stations were called "subversive". They greatly undermined the power of the USSR, writes Vladimir Voinovich in a column on "Snob. en ".

When they started talking about the introduction of personal computers in the Soviet Union, I wrote an article about "EVN" - "Electronic Enemy of the People". I said that if the Union did not learn to work with radio plugs, then the computer will not cope even more. The state always needs a lie. The computer will burn more quickly than it will lie, which means that it is incompatible with the Soviet regime. In a sense, the reasons, and therefore the methods of censorship in the media, are very similar in both then and now: the state does not want people to be able to learn the truthful information. In emigration, I collaborated with Radio Liberty, my goal was to tell Soviet people about their own lives. Once I met a former soldier from the Far East abroad. He already read Solzhenitsyn in the West and made a discovery: it turns out that there were so many prisoners in the country. I said to him: "But when you served in the Far East, did not you see that there are camps around?" He thought about it and replied: "But it's true!" This is the property of totalitarian systems: people live in them and do not know anything. Similarly, the Germans did not know anything about themselves, their lives and the horrors of Nazism. Therefore, listening to Western radio stations, people sought to learn not so much about what is happening outside the country, how much about themselves.

Since 2000, authoritarianism has been developing more and more in our country. And in process of development of out-of-date forms of the state structure we come back and to the out-of-date forms of struggle against the undesirable information. Authoritarian power has no other way of ideological protection, except to prohibit an uncomfortable. This is the nature of this method of management. So, "foreign agents" are being born that spread unsolicited information.

Thus, the state again makes itself incompatible with new technologies. We can say that its authority is undermined by the Internet, but in fact it is undermined by the struggle with the Internet. The feeling that now Russian politicians are in collusion with all the enemies of Russia at all. I even wrote in "Moscow 2042" that all CIA employees serve in the KGB and vice versa, and all of them at some point can not figure out who is working for whom.

As Solzhenitsyn wrote, "there is nothing to hide behind violence, except lies, and lies have nothing to support themselves, except violence". In a normal state, the constitution and the elected parliament help it grow and develop. In an authoritarian state, democratic institutions only hamper the normal development. Because, among other things, they are engaged in overt foolishness, such as the adoption of a media law - foreign agents.

Remember: the Soviet Union was destroyed precisely by those who poisoned dissenters. It seems that now everything is going to the same. Why do they attack the same rake? After all, all attempts to ban are meaningless and will work for a very short time: the more they forbid, the more people will develop the desire for truth. The Soviet authorities had no escape from the BBC, Voice of America, Radio Liberty and Deutsche Welle,. From the Internet, it will not be possible to survive.

Therefore, it is best to change the form of government and thereby defeat. Because for a normal state, what Western voices say is of no importance.

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Источник: ТСН.ua