Activist Balukh will be sitting under house arrest

01 December 2017, 23:35 | The Company 
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Thus, the court decided to grant the appeal filed by human rights defenders Balukh with a request to change the sentence. Earlier, the activist was charged with preparing a sabotage on the peninsula, the court handed down a verdict to the Ukrainian activist - three years and seven months of the general regime colony, and a 10-fold fine. The court forbade Balukh to communicate with journalists, use the Internet and mail, he also blocked the phone number.

Recall that the FSB detained Balukh in 2016, saying that the latter kept the home cartridges and grenades.

As reported in the "URA-Inform", recently in the Russian-occupied Crimea, security agents detained the Crimean-Tatar activist of the association "Crimean Solidarity" Ruslan Belyalov.

Источник: УРА-Информ