The motive for the destruction of grenades in the court of Nikopol could be revenge - the police

01 December 2017, 00:59 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

Three months have passed since the case went to court. Although, maybe this is a reaction to the way in which people who killed his son were punished.

This opinion was expressed by the deputy head of the regional department of the National Police in the Dnepropetrovsk region Oleg Groz. He also recalled that as a result of the explosions 11 people were injured, they have traumas of varying severity.

Grozny also added that the fact of the incident opened a criminal proceeding under the article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Intentional homicide.

At the moment, there are seven people in the hospital, three of them in serious condition. Two defendants and one civilian woman, "he said, adding that perhaps today one of the victims, who received minor injuries, will be able to go home.

Recall that today in the city court of Nikopol rocket explosion, during the meeting in the hall were thrown two grenades. As a result of the incident, two people were killed, nine were injured.

As reported URA-Inform, the father of the murdered man pulled two grenades and blew them. He died from the explosion, the defendants, guards, a court officer and a civilian received shrapnel wounds.

Источник: УРА-Информ