On the subsidies of the people of Kiev spent twice as much money

28 November 2017, 19:01 | Kiev 
фото с УРА-Информ

This is 7% more than it was in October 2016. Total subsidies for the ten months of 2017. amounted to more than 192 million hryvnia, which is 2.2 times more than in January-October 2016. This information is provided by the State Statistical Office of Kiev.

The maximum number of households that receive subsidies was noticed in the Dniprovskyi district of the capital (14.5%), while the lowest number was in the Pechersky district (3.5%).

The average size of the subsidy for the household in October 2017. amounted to 415.8 hryvnia. At the same time, the largest subsidy is received in the Desniansky district (UAH 1,231.9).

As reported URA-Inform, to subsidize subsidies will send 14 billion hryvnia.

Источник: УРА-Информ