The condition of 82-year-old Oleg Tabakov deteriorated sharply

28 November 2017, 17:23 | gossip 
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Only in the afternoon doctors reported that the condition of the Russian actor Oleg Tabakov stabilized, as information appeared that the national artist sharply became worse.

Doctors assess the condition of Tabakov as extremely difficult. 82-year-old actor was connected to the device of artificial ventilation, transfers "Channel 5".

Recall that on November 27, Oleg Tabakov urgently hospitalized in a Moscow hospital in extremely serious condition. The actor is in intensive care.

By the way, earlier in the press service of the Tabakerka Theater, which is headed by Tabakov, they said that the actor is undergoing a planned examination, and there is no question of resuscitation.

"It's all right, Oleg Pavlovich is undergoing a planned examination in the direction of dentistry, there is no question of any resuscitation," the press service said..

Источник: ТСН.ua