In Finland, the law on banning "green men" came into force

28 November 2017, 11:33 | Policy 
фото с УРА-Информ

This is reported by the publication Yle.

So, according to changes in the legislation that came into force, the authorities of Finland will receive expanded powers in those cases when security in the country threatens a group of military without identification marks.

A military group without signs is covered by military forces operating directly in the interests of a foreign state, either on its behalf or with the agreement of that state. This law provides for such groups an absolute ban on entry and stay in the country.

Violation of the ban will be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code.

Such military are called "green men". They are associated with the green form of the Russian army. Dressed in a green uniform, the military without badges was used in Ukraine, and also during the annexation of the Crimea.

As previously reported in "URA-Inform", servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were detained in the Lugansk region for causing bodily injuries to a civilian. It is noted that now the military service of the law and order and the National Police are checking on this fact and finding out the circumstances and reasons for what happened.

Источник: УРА-Информ