In the occupied Makeyevka mine collapsed, two miners disappeared

27 November 2017, 22:14 | Incidents 
фото с УРА-Информ

As a result of the incident, under the rubble were two miners. According to the separatist site "Donetsk News Agency", the collapse occurred the day before about midnight.

At the mine collapse of the rock of the mine workings. At the moment, the fate of the missing miners is still unknown.

According to the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations", just at the time of the collapse in the face were 18 miners. At the same time, 16 of them independently managed to escape to the surface.

The search for two missing people continues.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Vadim Chernysh said about the threat of ecological disaster in the Lugansk region as a result of flooding of the mine "Pervomaiskaya".

Источник: УРА-Информ