Do not abuse green tea

26 November 2017, 23:21 | Health 
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Over the centuries, green tea was attributed to numerous healing properties, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net But not so simple: a new study revealed that the abuse of green tea is harmful to the body.

On the pages of the latest issue of the Journal of Functional Foods it is reported that the consumption of a large amount of green tea disrupts the functions of the reproductive organs.

While these data were confirmed only on fruit flies, but the authors are sure that people should think about.

Green tea is made from fresh leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. Since green tea is the least processed form of tea, it retains the maximum of natural antioxidants and polyphenols known for their health benefits.

This glory in green tea, no one takes. Science has evidence of the benefits of this product for obesity, hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, and even in the prevention of certain cancers.

But we know that poison and medicine can differ only in the dose. This is also true for green tea: animal experiments demonstrate that large amounts of green tea lead to excessive weight loss, impaired embryonic development, and other serious events.

Employee of the University of California in Irvine (USA) professor of pharmacology Mahtab Jafari (Mahtab Jafari) subjected the larvae of the Drosophila melanogaster fly to various doses of green tea extract. Fruit flies are very often used to study human diseases, because 75% of their genes are exactly the same as we have with you.

The scientists found that 10 mg of the extract lead to a slowing of the development of insect larvae, and also reduce the number and size of the body of the offspring. When the same dose of extract is applied to the female, a significant decrease in fertility is observed, as well as a decrease in life expectancy by an average of 17%. In addition, high doses of green tea can lead to atrophy of the genitals in individuals of both sexes.

If the positive point can be considered that green tea protected flies from dehydration, then the reverse side of the medal was the increased vulnerability of insects to the effects of overheating and hunger.

Scientists can not say exactly what is behind the negative impact of green tea on reproduction. They suggest that this plant somehow is able to trigger apoptosis - programmed cell death.

"Although in small quantities green tea is good for health, our research and the work of our colleagues show that it has its own side effects. While continuing their study, it would be better to use this drink with moderation, "advises Jafari.

medbe. en.


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