Sex can cause a headache in men

26 November 2017, 20:09 | Scandals 
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Sex is a widely recognized method of relieving tension, alleviating headaches, physical and mental recovery. Maybe, but not always! Not for those men suffering from sexual headaches.

"Sexual headache" was observed in 1% of the male population. The condition is officially recognized by the medical community and is included in the classification of various types of headaches.

In most cases this causes dull pain in the neck and head during sexual intercourse. The culmination of a headache occurs when an orgasm is achieved. Then the pain is most intense. Headache remains in the next few hours, even the next day or two.

In other cases, the headache appears suddenly and suddenly with the onset of orgasm. Whatever the dynamics of pain, it does not manifest itself with every sexual act. However, the sexual headache is especially uncomfortable, because it gives discomfort at a time when men are most relaxed and happy.

Still little is known about the genesis and precise mechanism of the onset of sexual headache. Scientists associate this state with both genetic predisposition and chronic stress, changing the brain's response to a sense of orgasm. There is no official recognition. Use indomethacin and some beta-blockers.

According to some researchers, the sexual headache can be considered as a special case. Symptoms include muscle pain all over the body, severe fatigue, headaches, flu symptoms. These complaints are again visible only in men, begin a few seconds after reaching orgasm and remain for a few days.

Some French authors give an interesting name to this syndrome. They call it "la petite mort", which means "little death". However, other specialists in this field argue that this idiom is called an almost unconscious state of bliss after orgasm, when the memory of experience leaves a feeling of something that died in the deeper essence of man.

Obviously, sometimes an orgasm can carry with itself and surprisingly unpleasant sensations. However, this information should not stop those who want proximity to their half.
