About the stages of cellulite

26 November 2017, 18:34 | Health 
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Cellulite has several stages, and for each of them it is necessary to select a separate, special treatment.

It is impossible to deploy an effective fight against cellulite, without knowing the specifics of its origin and development. After all, cellulite has several stages, and for each of them it is necessary to select a separate, special treatment. Otherwise, there is nothing to count on a positive result! Therefore, we propose to consider all four stages of cellulite development and recommended measures by specialists to combat each of them, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net The first stage of cellulite, many women simply do not notice, because the notorious "orange peel", considered an indispensable attribute of cellulite, is not yet apparent at this stage. All that can be seen with the naked eye is the loss of skin elasticity in the thighs and buttocks. However, if you squeeze the skin on your hips with your hands, you will see those most characteristic signs of cellulite.

The increase in the volume of the thighs and buttocks is also a serious signal of impending disaster. The fact is that when the subcutaneous layers of the thighs and buttocks there is a metabolic disorder, this leads to the formation of swelling of subcutaneous fat. That's why your buttocks and thighs "unauthorized" get fat, and the skin loses its smoothness.

Naturally, the most basic method of combating the first stage of cellulite is to properly adjust the metabolism. To do this, it is necessary to normalize the food and ensure the outflow of excess fluid. The first is easy to do with anti-cellulite diets, and with the second will help cope with regular trips to the sauna. Special massages, the use of anti-cellulite cosmetics and physical exercises will accelerate the achievement of a positive result and help to fix it.

In the second stage of cellulite, excess fluid and fat deposits form eye-visible seals on the skin, which, moreover, are also well probed. This is explained by the fact that by squeezing the vessels, the deposits of fat and liquid themselves "lock" in the subcutaneous layers, creating a dense layer, which can lead to a loss of sensitivity in the affected areas.

nedug. en.

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