Bad memory: just sleep

26 November 2017, 14:53 | Health 
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A full night sleep helps to better remember new faces and names, according to an online edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net At least, according to the authors of the latest study, published by the journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.

Neurologists from the Brigham Women's Hospital (Boston, USA) recruited 14 young volunteers, who were alternately shown 20 photos of strangers and called their names.

Twelve hours later the scientists again showed the participants of the photo and asked to remember the name of each.

The experiment was carried out twice. For the first time participants were allowed to sleep eight hours, and the second time they were forced to stay awake in the interval between the tests. In the first case, the results were as much as 12% better than in the absence of sleep.

In other words, the dream somehow helped participants to postpone new information in memory and reproduce it later. And no matter how deep the volunteers were sleeping between the tests.

"We are well aware that sleep improves different types of memory. Before us, a lot of research in this area was conducted, but no one has yet considered the influence of a full night's sleep on the ability to memorize new faces and names. Our results confirm that high-grade sleep contributes to the deposition of new information in memory, that's why it is vital for schoolchildren, students and intellectuals, "says study author Jean Duffy.

Although the results obtained should be confirmed in a larger study, the authors say that they completely coincide with the modern concepts of the science of sleep, and recommend that every active person get enough sleep at least eight hours a day.

medbe. en.


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