3 ways to remove cellulite

26 November 2017, 13:13 | Health 
фото с NeBoley.com.ua

Cellulite is a problem that more or less 80% of women around the world today face at any age. Since the main reasons for the formation of cellulite are malnutrition, inactivity, stress, bad habits and t. , to eliminate this problem it is necessary, on the one hand, to lead a healthy lifestyle, on the other hand, to ensure proper care for your body, eliminating the already formed signs of cellulite - "orange skin", flabbiness and t.

Anatomy and morphology of adipose tissue What is called cellulite today, and what they really are are two different things. Strictly speaking, the use of the term "cellulite" in a context familiar to us is incorrect, since the end of "it" in medical vocabulary implies the presence of an inflammatory process (bronchitis, cystitis, peritonitis, etc.. That is, cellulite is the inflammation of subcutaneous fat.

However, the phenomenon, which we now habitually call cellulite, does not testify to inflammation. These unaesthetic "tubercles" and "cavities" are the result of mechanical deformation of the skin as a result of hypertrophy of superficial fat cells and an increase in the phenomena of lipodystrophy. But, since the term "cellulite" with respect to a similar condition of the subcutaneous fat layer, as they say, has taken hold, we will operate them.

Why do men not have cellulite? Men have almost no cellulite. This is due to the peculiarities of the architectonics of the structure of the male fat layer. It is assumed that the location of connective tissue bridges prevents protrusion (swelling) of the fat layer (cm. scheme). In addition, the density of adipose tissue in men is much higher than that of women, which provides a more consolidated condition.

How is our fat tissue formed? In order to correctly understand the pathogenesis of cellulite, you must have at least a basic knowledge of the features of the structure and functioning of adipose tissue.

Embryology of adipose tissue has not been studied in such detail as the embryology of other tissues of the human body. However, it is known that primitive adipose tissue is determined already on the fourth month of intrauterine life. Fat cell - adipocyte - is responsible for the synthesis and accumulation of fat. During the first year of life adipocytes increase in size by three times and continue to divide and grow up to the age of five. After this age limit, the fat cells do not divide and only increase in size. The final number of adult adipocytes is determined genetically and strictly individually, therefore the external appearance of each of us depends only on the increase in the size of a strictly fixed number of adipocytes.

nedug. en.


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