Nutritionists warned about the danger of refusing supper

26 November 2017, 12:30 | Health 
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According to experts, dinner is a must.

There is a myth in society that the refusal of dinner is guaranteed to save a person from excess weight and so he can do nothing more, lose 1-2 kg per week. Of course, the prospect of losing weight and not exhausting yourself with a diet, as well as sports activities, inspires and most of the slimming make a gross error, still refusing supper.

What happens in the body if you do not have dinner?.

Professional nutritionists note that the refusal of dinner helps not to lose weight, but rather gain weight, and even in addition to problems with health, namely cholelithiasis, gastritis, dysfunction of the liver, insomnia and so on.

In the morning after a hungry night and night a person jumps on food and can not stop until he feels he's full. At this point, the body experiences terrible stress, like the nervous system. Do not eat in the evenings, you doom yourself to overeating during the day, insomnia, bad mood, excessive irritability and decreased efficiency.

Moreover, because of a long break between dinner before 18:00 and breakfast even at 7 am, bile congestion is formed, which after a while will cause the formation of gallstones.

Against the background of cholelithiasis, liver function is disrupted, and this is one of the first steps on the way to slagging and intoxication of the body, as a result of which you will see a "+".

As you can see, there is nothing terrible in the dinner, moreover, the evening meal benefits both health and figure at the same time.

hronika. info.

