Symptoms and treatment of heat stroke folk remedies

26 November 2017, 04:32 | Health 
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Thermal shock is a general overheating of the body, which occurs against the background of high-temperature environmental impact. As a result, a person has a violation of thermoregulation. Get a heat stroke can be in the summer heat with excessively high temperatures in the air on the street and at home, or while working in rooms with high temperatures - hot shops plants, laundries and t.

Symptoms of heat stroke.

When overheating, a person feels weak and thirsty. There is a feeling of stuffiness, which can be accompanied by pain in the head, chest, back, arms or legs. Skin of face turns red, becomes hot, pulse quickens. After a while, the temperature rises, it can jump up to 39 degrees and higher. The skin can be completely dry or covered with a sticky sweat. Arterial pressure with a buildup of impact falls, urinary diversion worsens. In severe cases, paralysis, convulsions, loss of consciousness, delirium. Perhaps the development of a coma, as the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net Sometimes a heat stroke is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, but these symptoms are more typical for a sunstroke - physicians consider it a special case of heat stroke, in which overheating occurs due to exposure to the head of a person direct sunlight. The best prevention of sunstroke is wearing in the heat of thin headgear or special umbrellas, as well as wetting the head with cool water.

Treatment of heat stroke.

First of all, it is necessary to transfer or transfer the victim to conditions with a comfortable temperature, to get rid of clothes and to reduce body temperature by physical methods (wiping with vodka, vinegar, ice, water, wrapping a wet sheet). If a person is conscious, it is necessary to give him cold water. To prevent dehydration, you should drink plenty of water.

At a nausea it is desirable to provide such position of a body that the person has not choked with a vomiting. In severe cases, hospitalization is required. A very important point is the restoration of the water-electrolyte balance with the help of droppers.

Folk remedies with a thermal shock - this is the imposition on the hands of bandages with grated horseradish or onions.

nmkd. en.


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